coastal christmas

As we wrap up the final weeks of the year, I find myself filling our suitcases with Christmas presents and last minute French pharmacy finds. This year has presented a lot of change, and we’re looking forward to ringing in the new year back home in the states for a little reboot and some family time. And maybe to give our minds a break from thinking in French half the time.

Neilson is off at a training camp before we head stateside and I’m finishing half-read books, Christmas shopping, and planning for an exciting trip ahead. There are birthdays to be celebrated and babies to squeeze.

As we head into another season of feasting and late nights, I find myself needing extra sleep, denser nutrients and more water. With the shorter days I have less time and motivation to be active outside, opting for indoor yoga classes by a heater over bundled up bike rides. Peppermint tea, hot water bottles and knitting do wonders for the soul. My shoulders seem to be up to my ears, tightened by the burden of heavy bags and being cold. Heading to the mat in the mornings to stretch and express gratitude is a daily must.

Since we won’t be here on the actual day of Christmas, but are here for half of December, I’ve been searching for the optimal minimalist, waste-limiting decor. Pine tree sprigs, some mistletoe draped on the mirror and cozier accent pillows and blankets. Even a Charlie Brown tree from Denmark.

Home remedies that help keep the cozy going:

  • hot water bottle- As we adjust to the heating system in Europe, our radiators are not providing much warmth to the tall ceilings and I find myself scrunched in the corner of the couch layered in sweaters and blankets. If we had a bathtub that would be the first stop, but in it’s place I’ll be walking around with my little linen covered hot water bottle.

  • peppermint tea- An evening ritual. As I light candles and turn off overhead lighting, I sit down with my mug of freshly brewed mint tea. The end of the cup means it’s time to crawl into bed.

  • morning yoga- Compared to when my job included stretching and exercises everyday, I now spend a lot more time hunched over a computer. After my coffee and breakfast have digested I try to do some kind of mindful exercise-even a 15 min yoga class to decompress and prepare for the day.

  • candles- These are a must when the sun starts setting around 5pm. We have a Danish advent candle that I love lighting in the morning and then finishing off at night if the number of the day hasn’t worn down yet by then.

  • hot cocoa + Christmas shopping- Is there anything more festive feeling than this? Although carrying around hot drinks tends to prove problematic when you’re particularly drawn to white woven things

  • Christmas cards- After sending a first card as a freshly minted married couple and the year following, I debated sending a card this year. After all, we don’t look much different and we don’t have any kids to showcase. But I remembered these beautiful photos captured by my friend Nelli, who also photographed our wedding and thought it would be special to share with our recent change of address. But as I began accumulating everyone’s mailing addresses, I was reminded that holiday cards are so much more than a show and tell of our lives to send to others. No matter how well we stay in touch with friends and family, especially now that distance is a bigger factor, they’re such a sweet way to remind loved ones that they are in our hearts and minds this holiday season. To say, “as I reach out to you for an updated address, write it onto an envelope, and send it your way, I am thinking of you and grateful for your friendship”.

Things to love:
hot cocoa and mini marshmallows
fluffy slippers and cashmere cardigans
sage green tapered candles
extraordinary attorney woo
advent candles
gift wrapping with a sprig of fresh greenery
Christmas markets + mulled wine
snuggling up under a quilt with a good book
gathering photos of the past year for photo books

If I don’t catch you all before the new year, wishing everyone the warmest of holidays and the sweetest of times with loved ones. Hold them close while you can and know that I am so grateful to all of you! xx

Frances Chae