
So I’m writing this on my phone because my computer has frozen exporting hundreds of photos from Lightroom. I apologize it’s a bit of a brain jumble, but it’s been too long!

This past month we have been settling into our new spot in Sacramento. Trying to make little adjustments here and there that make it feel like home without investing too much, knowing that our time here is temporary.

As soon as we got here, I jumped into rehearsals with Capital Dance Project. It’s been amazing being back in the studios with a renewed sense of excitement for this crazy art form we love. At CDP, all the dancers wear many hats so I’m excited/honored to be choreographing, dancing and helping photograph my beautiful colleagues. The shows this weekend are a true product of teamwork, put on by these 19 artists who call Sacramento home.

Some radio and news segments I got to be a part of. If you’re local, I hope you’ll come out! If not, there will be a filmed version :-)

It’s crazy being back in Sacramento and feeling as if nothing has changed. I went from living in a country, wondering what I had to offer to their society if I couldn’t work or speak the language, to being back in the US, working three jobs at once and feeling as if I had never taken a break. The juxtaposition is jarring, but I know that these changes will only better prepare me for what lies ahead.

I dropped Neilson off at the airport today for his last round of races for the season in Europe today. As hard as it is every time we have to say goodbye, we know that our time apart makes our hello’s that much sweeter. Before he left, he put the coffee on a shelf I could reach, and reminded me of how much change our lives have gone through in the past year. It’s hard to believe we’re coming up on one year of marriage, when it feels like we’ve lived many lives since we said “I do” on a windy Saturday in Big Sur.

My encouragement this week from a podcast that I love…“What is brave is to not make our story the centerpiece, but to say I have an opportunity in a very unique way to lift high the grace of God through my life circumstances.” So here’s to not feeling sorry for ourselves and the stories we live, but instead using that as our voice to share with others what we’ve been through and survived.

Signing off with a few shots of my beautiful colleagues, and in the meantime enjoying the lapses of American luxury-massive grocery stores, automatic cars, wide roads, Target**, and huge appliances…. xx f