the big move

How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard
— A.A. Milne (aka winnie the pooh)

So, it’s been a little over a week and…we moved to Spain! The beginning of last week looked like lots of doctor’s appointments, packing and last minute trips to our storage unit. Once everything was packed up, we headed to SFO and got on a flight to Barcelona via Frankfurt. After clearing health screenings at BCN, we hopped in a cab to our new home, Girona. I didn’t share with many people that we were moving because there was a lot of uncertainty with visa/immigration status about how exactly we would get over here for Neilson’s racing season. But thankfully, we’ve made it!

We have spent the week settling in, unpacking and exploring in between. This is actually my first time visiting Spain, but Neilson has been living here for the past three years so I have a lot of exploring to catch up on! Moving during a pandemic is a very strange experience, to say the least, but we are so grateful that we were able to make it over here.

The city is so charming. Our apartment is in a busy part of the city and faces the river on the other side. The official language here is Catalan. I took 6 years of French in high school and am taking a Spanish class online at the moment, but it’s definitely a nerve-wracking experience to enter stores where no labels or words are in English. We are missing our family and friends, but excited to jump into the community here.

For now, I’m mostly wandering through the cobble stoned streets, getting lost over and over again in the beautiful architecture. The city was built over 2,000 years ago and there is history everywhere you look. I lugged my camera around one day but otherwise, mostly just iPhone photos are sufficing.

xo F

our local bakery

our local bakery

first jamón

first jamón